
Showing posts from January, 2021

EME Post 3

      Copyright and fair use are two imperative factors that provide freedom of expression to an artist, writer, speaker, etc. without allowing an outside party to discredit their work. Content creators put a lot of work and passion into their content and for that reason, it is imperative that their ideas are solely credited to them. Copyright is a legal process where only the creator can use their work unless they give permission for someone else to use and/or distribute it. Fair use, although it ties in with copyright, is a little more lenient. It allows an outside party to use a creator's work to comment on it or criticize it. The two go hand-in-hand in promoting the first amendment's freedom of expression. As a teacher, I would emphasize the importance of copyright and the adverse effects it may have on a content creator.      Cyberbullying poses a major threat to technology implementation, especially amongst younger students who have not fully matured ...

Blog Post Two

     During my K-12 school years, I was briefly introduced to Microsoft Word. I was taught the basics, such as how to change fonts and sizes, how to underline, bolden, and italicize, how to indent, etc. My teachers taught only the necessary material for writing up an essay. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school when I began doing dual enrollment that I was taught how to navigate and fully utilize Word and its resources. I have recently began using Google Docs more often than I do Word; however, I still prefer Microsoft. The advantage of Google Docs is that by being an online platform, it is easily accessible. Despite this, I still find Word to be more resourceful and easier to navigate.      The ISTE Standards for Educators is an essential list of procedures for anyone in the education field. Following this list will not only make one a more efficient educator, it will also assist in developing deeper connections with colleagues and students, as ...

Introduction Blog

       Hi! My name is Emely Chirino, I'm a senior in FSU majoring in Psychology and minoring in Political Science. My long-term career goal is to attend law school and eventually become a practicing attorney specializing in Family Law. Some of my hobbies include reading, traveling, listening to podcasts, and scrapbooking. I recently got into scrapbooking as a pastime and I find it very enjoyable as it allows me to express creativity and preserve memories.      In this day and age, I believe technology and education go hand-in-hand. I have been using technology in an educational setting practically throughout my entire education. Teachers have constantly used programs like Powerpoint and Prezi to present their lectures. I conduct online research on a daily basis to write papers or just to fact check. Universities require computer competency classes that teach students how to navigate the array of technological options available. I took CGS, which furthe...