
Blog Post 10

     As a teacher, surveys can be utilized in many ways. I would use them at the beginning of the year to ask my students about them, or to collect data on what they'd like to cover over the year. For instance, if teaching language arts to 5th graders, I'd ask my students in a survey about their preferred genre and what books they'd be interested in reading in the year. Towards the end of the year, I would probably give them a survey that asks them if they enjoyed the class, if they learned something insightful, and most importantly I would ask them what they did and did not like about my teaching qualities.      While reviewing my classmate's blogs, it was interesting to see their perspective in contrast to mine. I liked seeing their different responses to the blog prompts and seeing how they wrote something entirely different than what I wrote about. I also liked seeing the different scopes of the topics chosen for the powerpoint interaction assignments. ...

EME Post 9

      My education has definitely taken a toll as a distant learner. Thrusted into this lifestyle that I was unprepared for, distant learning was never something I was interested in. I always felt I learned best in the classroom surrounded by other students. Being in a learning environment fed into my want to learn. Now, as a distant learner, my motivation has taken a massive toll and school does not feel like what it used to. Classes I typically would be excited for now feel like a burden. In all honesty, I do not think there is anything that a teacher can do to help my situation. My professors throughout this experience have all been amazing and understanding, but the feeling of school being a burden will never be lifted unless I sit in a classroom again.      Open educational resources are resources that can be accessed at no cost and without a license. They are revolutionary in the way that they provide educational resources to all, especially students ...

EME2040 Blog Post 8

    While working on the web design assignment, I learned how to incorporate elements and outside links into a website. I also got a better understanding of templates and which ones match a topic versus which ones do not. Being able to play around with the different elements and colors was particularly enjoyable. What I liked most about the assignment was that I had the ability to completely tailor the website to my liking. Knowing how to create a website can be very beneficial for my career because the skill can be used to create a personalized website for my classes based on the grade level and subject.  My website:      From working with Diigo, I learned how to search through my bookmarks to quickly find information and how to share websites with entire groups of people. This application can be very beneficial in the classroom, with team members, or as an individual. First, the ability to bookmark articles, books, websi...

Blog Post 6

      I believe Diigo is an efficient website that has many resources for teachers. It has potential to be one of the top resources for educators; however, in my experience, the website is a bit confusing and tedious to navigate. If they were to make it easier to understand and navigate without needing to watch tutorials, I would have a better experience on the website. On the other hand, I like the way it basically serves as a personal library. It allows you to bookmark resources that pike your interest and annotate on those resources so you can remember your thoughts later on.      Overall, I have enjoyed my experience with blogging. I like putting my thoughts into words and sharing them for others to see. Although nobody is actually reading these posts, figuratively, it is an efficient method of reaching an audience. In addition, blogging creates a sense of community and is essentially a personal archive. In my experience, I have learned not to put ...

EME Blog Post 5

       I got on Twitter pretty early. I definitely consider myself a Twitter veteran. I started consistently using Twitter back in 2012 in 6th grade. Facebook used to be THE social media site, but as parents started making accounts and monitoring their children, it suddenly wasn't "cool" anymore. So of course we, as a collective, gravitated towards Twitter, which was still fairly new and unpopular at the time. Getting onto Twitter, I had no idea how to use it. I used to @ celebrities and think they were only seeing my post to them as if we were having some exclusive conversation. Years later, I have a completely different perspective of the social media platform now that I have mastered it and utilize its resources. Now I know that despite its shortcomings, it can be very useful. Aside from entertainment, Twitter can serve as a wonderful platform to receive news. You can navigate through hashtags and have discussion forums on them. You can watch and read live news. Y...

EME Post 4

      The grade level I chose for the ELA Standards and Technology is 11-12th grade.  LAFS.1112.RH.3.7 concerns itself with teachers having the capacity to present a topic, problem, or solution using various forms of media. An example would be using Powerpoint and/or Canva for lectures, and using Excel for spreadsheets. I am entirely prepared to implement this standard with my current skill set. I have much experience with using digital media to present topics. I also enjoy getting creative with digital softwares that facilitate the spread of information; therefore, I am well-equipped to implement this standard in a passionate way.      The CPALMS resource I chose is for 11th grade social studies. It is a 19 minute video detailing key events of the American Civil War. It describes in-depth events that occurred prior to the war that later contributed to the war, along with important facts regarding the war as it was occurring and the repercussions that ...

EME Post 3

      Copyright and fair use are two imperative factors that provide freedom of expression to an artist, writer, speaker, etc. without allowing an outside party to discredit their work. Content creators put a lot of work and passion into their content and for that reason, it is imperative that their ideas are solely credited to them. Copyright is a legal process where only the creator can use their work unless they give permission for someone else to use and/or distribute it. Fair use, although it ties in with copyright, is a little more lenient. It allows an outside party to use a creator's work to comment on it or criticize it. The two go hand-in-hand in promoting the first amendment's freedom of expression. As a teacher, I would emphasize the importance of copyright and the adverse effects it may have on a content creator.      Cyberbullying poses a major threat to technology implementation, especially amongst younger students who have not fully matured ...