Blog Post 10
As a teacher, surveys can be utilized in many ways. I would use them at the beginning of the year to ask my students about them, or to collect data on what they'd like to cover over the year. For instance, if teaching language arts to 5th graders, I'd ask my students in a survey about their preferred genre and what books they'd be interested in reading in the year. Towards the end of the year, I would probably give them a survey that asks them if they enjoyed the class, if they learned something insightful, and most importantly I would ask them what they did and did not like about my teaching qualities. While reviewing my classmate's blogs, it was interesting to see their perspective in contrast to mine. I liked seeing their different responses to the blog prompts and seeing how they wrote something entirely different than what I wrote about. I also liked seeing the different scopes of the topics chosen for the powerpoint interaction assignments. ...